Most all vehicles have a recirculation button with the AC controls. It is the picture of a car with a U-turn arrow on it, but many of us are unsure when to use it. Well, the easy answer is to use it in the summer and turn it off in the winter. The recirculation button simply takes the air from inside the car and recirculates it in the cabin instead of pulling fresh air from outside.
On days when it is miserably hot outside, the recirculate button uses the cooler air in the cabin, which will keep the inside air cooler, instead of pulling hot air from outside and trying to cool it. Using the recirculation feature will get your car cooler and will decrease the wear and tear on your AC system.
Here is something that is good to know! If your car has been baking in the sun all day, it’s better to roll the windows down and turn the recirculate off for the first minute or so to get rid of the super-hot air inside the car before turning the recirculate on.
Also, any time you are stuck in traffic (summer or winter) be sure to use the recirculate. If you are pulling air from outside, then you are pulling in all the pollutants and carbon monoxide from all the traffic. Studies show that recirculating your AC can cut down on the pollutants entering your vehicle by 20% when stuck in traffic!
Don’t forget your cabin filter! This will also ensure smooth and quite blower operation and keep out dust and pollen! Have your cabin filter inspected every 15,000 miles.
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