Important Auto Repair Tips Continued



When The Oil Pressure Light Illuminates

You will almost always see your oil pressure warning light illuminate briefly when you first start your car.  It goes off almost immediately.  If it doesn’t you need to turn off your car and check the engine oil level.  If it is low, add some oil then turn the car back on.  If the light goes off and stays off you are good to go.  If it is still illuminated do not drive the vehicle, turn it off immediately and call us as soon as possible.  This may require a tow.


When The Temperature Light Illuminates

A temperature warning light is telling you that your engine is overheating.  Pull over and turn your car off immediately! Do not check anything yourself until the engine has sat for at least half an hour.  Attempting to remove the radiator cap before then can result in serious steam and water burns.  If you know what you are doing you can remove the cap and check the coolant mixture level when it is safe to do so and add the appropriate 50/50 mix of antifreeze and water. Also be sure to check for leaks.  Internal leaks can only be checked by pressure testing. Unless you are experienced in this area of car repair, it is best to call us!  We will arrange a tow to our shop and get this fixed for you!


When The Brake Light Illuminates

The brake warning light comes on and stays on when you engage the parking or emergency brake.  Check that first!  If you disengage the parking brake and the light goes off, you are fine. It can also mean you have a fluid leak.  This causes your brakes to fail or veer to one side when applied. Get your brake fluid checked as soon as possible. (If you have an ABS or the antilock brake light illuminates and remains on it is telling you there is a problem within this system.)  Though you can drive with this situation, get it checked out as soon as you can because this is a critical system in an emergency or on slick roads. If both the ABS and brake warning light are on and stay on at the same time do not drive the vehicle until it has been looked at by us.


When The Alternator Light Illuminates

If your alternator warning light is on it is most likely telling you that your charging system is not working properly.  You need to get this taken care of sooner rather than later as your battery will die. It could be indicating another problem such as a slipping drive belt but either way, it needs to be checked out as soon as you can.


When The Check Engine Light Illuminates

That orange light used to put fear in the hearts of drivers but now it seems drivers are more than capable of ignoring it mile after mile.  This is because most of the time it is just telling you your gas cap isn’t on tight enough or some other small item.  Of course this small item causes you to waste fuel and pollute the environment so it really isn’t insignificant.  It is always best to have your vehicle looked at as the check engine light means something is wrong and a diagnosis is definitely called for. Whenever a light on your dash illuminates and doesn’t go off after a few seconds you can also refer to your owner’s manual. It generally explains the meaning behind the illumination and if it is safe to continue driving until you can get your vehicle serviced or repaired.  You can always call us at any time as well.  We are here to help!

When Thermostats Go Bad

The vehicles we drive these days are very high tech so when I mentioned that the thermostat is basically operated by the heating and cooling of wax people are shocked.  Thermostats rarely give us problems so I guess most people just don’t think about them.  Its function is to keep the car warm but cool the engine block. Thermostats seldom go bad but when they do, look out!  This occurs when the wax stops working so the valve doesn’t open.  This can happen when:

  • It was damaged in a prior overheating experience
  • Corrosion sets in
  • It just gets old

When one or all of these things happen your vehicle will overheat. Should the valve fail to close, stick in the open position, due to a piece of debris or the breaking of the return spring you have another problem.  This allows coolant to keep flowing through the thermostat.  It will not reach the proper operating temperature when this happens and you might notice the gauge reading lower than normal or the heater not as hot as it used to be.  If the thermostat does stick open you will notice because of poor driveability during cooler weather, you will use more fuel as much as 2 to 3MPG more and the car will spew out more pollutants out the tailpipe than designed.


Why A Vehicle Inspection Is Important

In the automotive service and repair industry we as owners and our staff do our best to keep our customers’ vehicles in excellent condition.  Not only do we want to keep you safe on the highways, we want to keep the others you share the road with safe as well. The majority of our customers want to know that everything is in proper working order.  Every now and then we hear stories about consumers who think inspections or a “laundry list” as they call it, was done in order to make a bigger sale.  This is not the case in most shops and those that practice selling services that aren’t needed don’t stay in business very long! We feel it is our duty to point out any potential hazards because our customers rely on us, as the experts in automotive maintenance, to tell them if their vehicle needs work. You can count on us!


A Little TLC Keeps Your Beloved Vehicle Going and Going and Going…

Many of you love your car!  You pamper it, you keep it clean inside and out and you want it to live a good long life.  The newness may have worn off a few years ago but that doesn’t matter…you’ve bonded with this vehicle. Some people keep their vehicles a very long time…over 200,000 miles and counting.  If you love your car and you want to keep it longer, don’t fret.  It is very possible.  All it takes is some tender, loving care!

Throughout our many years of experience we have learned that taking certain preventive measures, such as timely oil changes and multi-point inspections, enable you to keep your car going and going. Call us today…together we can keep it going!


Don’t Worry…Your Warranty Is Safe

When choosing to have your vehicle serviced by an independent, you may feel your warranty could be in jeopardy. There is no need to be concerned about the validity of your warranty or quality service.  Many consumers don’t realize that it is actually a law (Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act) that an independent repair shop can service your car and you will not be jeopardizing your warranty in any way.  Just like you have to do with the dealership, you need to keep records of services and have them done as recommended in your owner’s manual. Most independent shop owners, such as ours, can provide you with the same excellent service you have been receiving from your dealership.  Independents, like the dealerships, have ASE certified technicians, quality parts and service, state-of-the-art tools and equipment, dedication to customer service, and on-going training to keep current with the latest vehicle innovations. So stop worrying!  We’ve got you covered!


How To Have A Lean Mean Driving Machine

Cars are built better than ever these days and give us miles of service.  Keeping them healthy is important and extends their life.  Oil is their lifeblood.  Dirty oil makes it harder for your engine to turn over and causes premature engine wear.  Belts and hoses are made of very durable material with relatively long lives but they do deteriorate over time. Leaks are not normal except for condensation from your air conditioner.  11 different fluids keep your car running; brake fluid, antifreeze, engine oil, power steering fluid, air conditioner refrigerant, shock absorber fluid, battery electrolyte, windshield washer solvent, rear axle or CV boot lubricant and fuel.  If any of these leaks, they need to be fixed right away.  Tires need to be kept properly inflated and rotated to save gas and tire wear. Coolant, when neglected can corrode and leave sediment throughout your cooling system causing clogging that results in damaging hot spots than can harm your engine. The battery needs to have the cables securely attached and free of corrosion in order to get power to the starter and accessories so the alternator receives a charge.

Keep your care lean and mean by getting it serviced regularly.


My Vehicle…How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count The Ways!

I love thee enough to take thee regularly for automotive servicing! Okay…I just felt the need for a little humor.  Seriously though…and I am a very serious person when it comes to vehicle care…you need to love your car!  Think of all it does for you each and every day.  Think how lost you feel without it when it breaks down.  Think of the pain of paying for a high repair cost because you neglected to have it serviced.  I want you to drive safely and I want you to pay for servicing your car rather than paying the much higher cost of repairing it.  I want to think of you getting from point A to point B safely.  I don’t want to see you with your vehicle broken down on the side of the road. I don’t want to see your vehicle dangling from a tow truck when it could all have been prevented.  I prefer to see you save your hard-earned dollars by having regular preventive maintenance instead of costly repair.  If you have been putting off servicing, now is the time to show your vehicle some love!


Speak To Me!

Do you ever wish your car could just tell you when something is wrong with it? In its own way it does speak to you.  When it suddenly is acting, smelling, sounding, or dripping differently than it usually does it is telling you it isn’t feeling well.

I get calls all the time saying that their car is making a ka-thump noise or a pinging noise or it is knocking or sputtering, whining or screeching. Regular vehicle checkups prevent these symptoms from happening and keep your vehicle healthy.  If your vehicle is trying to speak to you, listen and call for an appointment today.


The Hazards of Running on Fumes

When your car beeps a warning about low fuel, listen to it! Put gas in as soon as you can because that reserve fuel keeps your fuel pump from taking in the “bottom of the barrel” fuel which is full of debris. This sediment in the bottom of the fuel tank can also clog the fuel filter, fuel injectors as well as the pump pickup. I generally don’t let my tank get below 1/4 tank for this reason. Sure…it doesn’t have the same challenge as driving on fumes, but when it comes to your vehicle, it is always wise to consider damage control…both to your car and your wallet!


The Importance of Flushing

Your vehicle needs fluids to remain healthy.  Overtime, these fluids get contaminated and cause corrosion. Flushing those out and refilling with clean, fresh fluid keeps your car safe and running smoothly. Think of it this way, when it comes to fluids, our cars’ needs are similar to the human body. We need to keep our systems flushed with water to keep our bodies running well, keep them lubricated while at the same time flushing out harmful toxins.  Water keeps us hydrated and running well. Fluids do the same for your vehicle!  Call today for an appointment.


These Come Between You and the Highway

Tires keep us and our car off the highway.  It has been that way since Henry Ford’s Model A. Tires are, after all, the only part of the car that actually touches the road.  That is a good reason to keep them as healthy as possible. Tire rotations and proper inflation should be part of your regular preventive maintenance routine. This seemingly simple act of swapping the tires around plus proper inflation keeps them from having extensive wear and tear and prolongs their life.  Call today to give your tires a long and healthy life!

When The Odometer Reads 100,000 Miles



Back in the day it pretty much meant you needed to go shopping for a brand new car when the odometer turned over to 100,000 miles.  The components would be completely worn out and the body would more than likely be the worse for wear too. Today’s cars are designed to keep going and going…as long as you take good care of them!


Cars aren’t all that much different than us humans!  If you eat right, exercise, take supplements, have regular checks up and get plenty of fluids…they tell us we will be around a lot longer and should lead a long and healthy life.


Your car is the same way.  It needs to be given the right fluids on a regular basis (and exchanged periodically), it’s charging and cooling systems checked and the brakes and exhaust system kept in good working order.


Today’s cars do go longer between service visits than the previous 3,000 miles that we all adhered to, but you still need to visit your automotive repair shop at least three times a year.  There is a seldom read book in your glove box…take it out and look at it.  Notice that it has recommendations for certain items to be taken care of each time you fill up with gas?  Other items are to be checked monthly?  I can tell you from looking at my customer’s cars that these items do not get checked between visits to my shop!  That is why those that put off service for 1,000 miles or longer are pushing the envelope!


Newer vehicles have a friendly built in alert system that tell you when services are due to be taken care of.  This is good because ignoring your car is not as easy as ignoring your owner’s manual or your mailed or emailed service reminder!


When your vehicle celebrates 100,000 miles treat it to some major preventive maintenance.  It would be like giving a friend a day at the spa for rejuvenation.  Look at it as a birthday gift for your car.  Even though they are built to go many miles these days…reaching 100,000 miles is still a major milestone and should be treated as such.  Then…wish it 100,000 more miles!


Please call us with any questions at 626-963-0814 or visit our website at


Hometown Service You Can Count On!





Football season is here again and even though we aren’t football superstars, we are the superstars of auto service and repair!  Just like a football game where it takes each player doing their job correctly to have a winning team, it takes each component operating in peak efficiency to have a properly running car!


  • Fluids – just like you, your car must have fluids to be healthy.  We offer products that give you the home field advantage each and every time.
  • Filters –just like in football when the players block the defense from getting to the ball carrier, filters block contaminants from entering your car’s operating systems.
  • Battery & Charging System – If this system fumbles you aren’t going anywhere.  We will keep it charged and ready to go when you are!
  • Belts and Hoses – One snap or break and you are stranded and you will be calling personal foul!
  • Lights – Your lights keep you from getting picked off in the dark because others can’t see you coming or going!
  • Wipers – If your wipers aren’t working in the rain and snow and morning condensation, you risk getting sacked!
  • Tires – Proper inflation and tread keep your car rolling along in a rush.
  • Suspension – Steers your car going in the right direction so you have a complete pass.
  • Brakes – Stopping when you need and want to is a very good thing and keeps you from getting tackled by trees or other vehicles!
  • Exhaust System – If you don’t want to be put on the sidelines these systems need to operate properly. Keeps your car pleasant and safe for you and others to be around.


This is just a small example of all the systems that keep your car running properly.  Most mechanical failures can be traced to neglected maintenance.  Just like a football team, if each player does their job well they all benefit and run like a well oiled machine.  Touchdown!


Please call us with any questions at 626-963-0814 or visit our website at


Hometown Service You Can Count On!


October Car Care


Twice a year the Car Care Council, a non-profit organization, celebrates National Car Care Month.  This happens in April and again in October.  The reason they feel the need to spend money on advertising the importance of car care is because so many consumers don’t take care of their vehicles properly.


Neglect of this kind causes accidents, expensive breakdowns, pollution, using more fuel than necessary and even lost time at work! The Car Care Council hopes a gentle reminder twice yearly will prevent all this.


Here is a check list for safety, dependability and savings!

  • Have all fluids checked
  • Have air filter checked
  • Have battery and charging system checked
  • Have belts and hoses checked
  • Have oil and lubrication service
  • Have all lights checked
  • Have all wipers and fluid checked
  • Have tires checked for proper inflation and tread
  • Have suspension system checked
  • Have brake system checked


Many consumers feel a false sense of security today because they have cell phones or On-Star so they are able to call someone for help.  Yes…these are great when you need them but of course avoiding a breakdown or accident due to neglect or not to pollute the air or use more gas than necessary is a better choice.


If you have been putting off service or repair; call your car care provider today and not only will you be driving a safer, more eco-friendly vehicle, you will save money in the long run!


Please call us with any questions at 626-963-0814 or visit our website at


Hometown Service You Can Count On!


Where Did The Transmission Dipstick Go?


I remember when we checked transmission fluid by pulling the dipstick out.  We could tell many things by that dipstick but today it isn’t that simple. Many new models don’t even come equipped with a transmission dipstick!

Automatic transmissions have become marvels of precision and durability over the years. Many are 5, 6, 7 or even 8 speeds and do not have a dipstick to allow checking or adding to the fluid level or inspecting the fluid condition, unless you have specialty tools to do so.

Vehicles with “dipstickless” transmissions came about due to people adding incorrect fluid. For example, a person or non-qualified shop, added or changed the fluid with the incorrect type of fluid. The transmission would fail prematurely because the less expensive fluid did not lubricate properly and failure was imminent. The consumer might put the fault on a poorly designed or defective transmission.

Some of these transmissions are filled with what the manufacturer says is “lifetime” fluid that they claim does not require changing, while other makes may require fluid service at very long intervals that are often 100,000 miles or more. I have seen many transmissions over these last 38 years, and I recommend changing your transmission fluid at 50,000 miles. If the fluid checks out okay, then a longer change interval is acceptable.

With rules regulating the automotive manufacturers that mandate fuel mileage be increased every year, vehicles have replaced the good old “one type of transmission fluid fits all” cars with very specific synthetic fluids. The cost of today’s transmission fluid can be staggering, ranging from $6.00 to $26.00 per quart. Adding the wrong fluid will damage the internally lubricated parts over time.

Please do your homework when having any service performed. It can be devastating if the wrong fluid or incorrect fill procedure is performed.

Please call us with any questions at 626-963-0814 or visit our website at

Hometown Service You Can Count On!


Is Your Air Conditioner Ready for Warmer Days?


Spring is in the air in Glendora and hot summer days are coming our way. Many of our customers’ thoughts are turning to…air conditioning.  At Certified Automotive Specialists we get countless calls asking us how much it costs to fix.  There is no one simple answer to this question but I’ll give you some industry-wide estimates so you have something to go on. Generally, if you drive an older vehicle it will cost more to fix because the parts will be harder to find.

Testing the A/C System: A technician must test the system to determine what is wrong with it.  This requires a test for leaks and an inspection of the parts such as the compressor, condenser, hoses, and valves. The most help a consumer can be is to give as much information about when the condition occurred.

Evacuating & Recharging the A/C System: This is the most common fix of the A/C system. Refrigerant will naturally seep out over 3 to 5 years and will need attention.

Leaking Hose:  We use a leak detection unit to test for leaks.

Compressor Failure:  This is the most complex of all to fix and will be the costliest. The compressor is the pump that keeps the Freon flowing.

Replacing the Complete System: The cost of this is determined by the make and model you drive. Usually this occurs when someone tries to save money and adds the off the shelf sealer as a quick fix, it always causes grief later.

Working on air conditioning systems is not easy.  The system itself is built in and around your car’s engine making it difficult. Specialized equipment is required and a technician that is certified in this area is a must. In some countries it is illegal for a non-authorized technician to work on A/C systems. A non-experienced technician can inadvertently cause problems and contaminate the environment.

These prices are not set in stone but an industry-wide average.  We will have one of our certified technician give you an estimate after they have diagnosed your vehicle.

Please call us with any questions at 626-963-0814 or visit our website at

Hometown Service You Can Count On!


Don’t Strike Out – Mechanical Failure

Mechanical Failure


It seems every day when I hear the news, there is at least one automobile accident tying up traffic on Glendora highways.  Most accidents are caused by impaired drivers (75%) but sometimes the state of the automobile is to blame.  Here are the top five causes of accidents due to mechanical failure:

  • Brakes – brake pads, leaking brake fluid and a malfunctioning ABS system are all reasons brakes fail.
  • Tires – blowouts, bald tires and improper inflation are all reasons for serious problems.
  • Wipers – If you can’t see to drive because your wipers aren’t doing their job you are in serious danger!
  • Lights – More accidents happen at night and a lot of this is due to dim or otherwise impaired headlights, tail lights, brake lights, blinkers and turn signals.
  • Steering – A car’s steering system is comprised of many parts and of course, overtime, they need to be replaced due to normal wear and tear.

The good news is that the majority of mechanical failures are preventable.  Keeping your car up-to-date on service and repair will certainly less the chances that your car is the problem on the road.  The goal of Certified Automotive Specialists is to keep the drivers of Glendora safe at all times.

Please call us with any questions at 626-963-0814 or visit our website at

Hometown Service You Can Count On!

Your Vehicle is NOT Maintenance Free, Glendora Car Owners

A generation ago, Glendora drivers seemed to be more inclined to keep their vehicle’s preventive maintenance on schedule. One reason for this may be that vehicles back then were a lot less reliable than they are today. Having your sedan in to your Glendora shop every year or two for repairs seemed to be a good reminder to keep the oil changed.

For example, almost everyone in Glendora used to take their vehicles in for regular tune-ups. Vehicles had mechanical ignition systems, which meant ignition points, spark plugs and coils had to be replaced and the timing adjusted every few years. As long as the sedan was in for a tune-up at Certified Auto Specialists, the vehicle was inspected and you took care of any needed repairs at the same time.

Today’s engines have electronic ignition systems and engine control computers. Spark plugs can last for up to 100,000 miles. Vehicle reliability has vastly improved in the last few decades, and surveys report fewer problems with new vehicles than ever before. That also means that our sedans don’t experience a huge performance drop when they’re ready for some car care. But it doesn’t mean that they don’t need it.

Modern Glendora auto owners need to rely on calendars and mileage intervals to know when to schedule maintenance. Owner’s manuals contain recommendations on when different types of maintenance should be performed. Also, your Glendora service center can provide advice about auto maintenance schedules. At Certified Auto Specialists in Glendora, we know that benefits of staying on top of preventive maintenance are substantial. First, you’ll get better engine performance and fuel efficiency. Those two things alone return the cost of preventive maintenance: in fuel savings and safety. Also, routine maintenance has been proven to prevent major car repairs later on. Again, the cost savings can be significant. As the old saying goes, “Spend a penny, save a dime.”

Modern sedan engines may be more durable and reliable than their predecessors, but they’re more sophisticated and complex as well. For this reason, preventive maintenance today is even more critical than the old tune-up. Modern engine systems have a lot of essential parts that have to stay lubricated. These parts can be made of aluminum, plastic or steel. Special additives in lubricants are required to keep each of these materials from breaking down or corroding. Over time, these additives are depleted, even if the sedan isn’t driven. This makes fluid changes a critical part of scheduled maintenance if you want to keep your car on the road.

As an example, coolant fluid in your engine is a sophisticated mix that not only keeps your sedan engine cool but also protects and maintains its components. However, this fluid gradually gets contaminated and anti-corrosion additives are depleted. It can become corrosive and actually damage the sedan engine parts it was designed to protect. It can actually eat holes in your radiator and other engine parts. Changing the coolant could have prevented this pricey damage, and it’s a whole lot easier and cheaper than replacing a radiator.

Timely oil changes are more critical for Glendora drivers than they used to be. Skipping just one oil change can start the build-up of oil sludge in your engine. Sludge can clog small engine passages, which cuts off the supply of lubricant to critical engine parts. Just this small bit of sludge can reduce the life expectancy of your engine. If the build-up continues, it could lead to engine failure within two or three years.

One word of warning to anyone in Los Angeles who purchases used automobiles: take care when buying a leased vehicle. Glendora folks who lease vehicles only intend to drive them for two or three years, generally the years when the vehicle is least likely to experience any problems. One of the reasons people lease vehicles is that they don’t want to be bothered with maintenance or car care. Before buying a pre-leased vehicle, be sure to inspect it for signs of damage that result from lack of proper care.

Glendora car owners can all be grateful for the improved reliability of our modern vehicles. With proper maintenance and care, we can expect them to last longer, perform better, get better MPG, and require fewer repairs than ever before. We just have to be more conscientious about scheduling time for their care.