Transmission repairs have become an interesting phenomenon in the automotive repair industry. I thought I would share some information with you that could result in saving you money!
- Most cars will start to experience transmission issues around age six
- When a check engine light illuminates, 20% of the time it is because of the transmission
- 50% of those issues can be fixed easily
- 80% of repair shops, because they don’t have enough knowledge about transmissions will tell you it needs to be replaced. That is because for them it is just easier to replace the entire thing since they don’t know enough about transmissions to fix it or don’t want to be bothered with it.

Consumers might opt to buy a different car rather than pay to repair their current one if the cost is high. Replacing a transmission is a lot to pay for a repair and if the vehicle will need more of the same, say in six months, I am completely up front with them. I want them to make the right decision for them and for their budget.
If you feel you are having transmission problems, before you pay out an exorbitant amount of money to have it replaced, ask what the problem is exactly. A really good shop, like Certified Auto Specialists, can save you a lot of money! The average repair shop just guesses instead of investigating.
Sometimes, of course, it really does need to be replaced but again, a shop that really knows what they are doing will give you options rather than “just replace it” as a solution.
If you suspect your vehicle is experiencing transmission problems, give us a call!
Certified Auto Specialists: the friendlier and more helpful auto shop! Feel free to call 626-963-0814 with any questions and we will be glad to help, or visit our website at