Belts – They Keep Us
What causes failure in belts? They do over 35 million revolutions a year, are exposed to heat, vibration and contamination. They twist, and turn, bend and flex. This produces heat that hardens the rubber that causes the belts to loosen and slip. The rubber then cracks and frays and the internal cords will become brittle and weak. This happens from the inside out so it isn’t visible. Car manufacturers recommend replacing belts every 36,000 miles.
What causes failure in hoses? Tiny cracks develop in the rubber causing the
hoses to split, blister and/or leak.
Contamination from oil and atmospheric ozone can accelerate the process. Hoses deteriorate on the inside as much as
the outside. They can even look fine on
the outside and be totally ruined on the inside. Small cracks and pinhole leaks weaken hose
fibers. If you squeeze the hose near the
clamps or connectors and the ends feel soft and mushy, the hose has been
contaminated and needs replacing. Manufacturers recommend replacing hoses every
48,000 miles.
Anti-Aging For Your
We seem to be an “anti-aging” society. Everywhere you look there is some commercial for an anti-aging herb or cream. They all promise to keep us looking and feeling years younger. Many consumers are proving it is more than possible not only with themselves but their cars too! They are keeping their cars going 200,000 miles and longer! How? By getting their vehicle’s serviced regularly. Ask us how to keep your car’s youth!
Best Value or Just Cheap?
In today’s economy there are many businesses offering ‘cheap’ prices to get a consumer in the door. To me, these businesses aren’t offering ‘value.’ Value is when you want to provide the best possible solution for your customers. Now the best doesn’t necessarily mean the most expensive, but it doesn’t always mean the cheapest either. For example, when you have to replace a part on your vehicle, you want it to be a part that has good quality and a good warranty and you want that part to last you more than a month or two. We promise value each and every time!
Buyer Beware
By now most of us have had a strange telephone call telling
us our “extended auto warranty” is about to expire. If you are on a no call list at home, they
may have reached you on your mobile phone. Some have been very puzzled because
they knew they didn’t have an extended warranty. Some though, assumed it was a call from their
dealership, incorrectly as it turned out. Consumer
Reports states that whether a service plan is offered by a broker, car
dealer, or manufacturer, they recommend skipping it. These ads promoting
extended auto warranty may sound good but if they don’t deliver consumers’ have
wasted their money. Don’t become a
victim. If you really want an extended warranty plan, read the fine print, do
your research and don’t be pressured by a fast-talking salesperson.
Does Your Ride Have A
Mind Of Its Own?
We get calls from consumers complaining that their car seems to have a mind of its own. It wants to bounce and rock and drift and sway. We know exactly what the problem is when we hear these complaints. It is either your vehicle’s shocks or struts. Usually they wear out slowly and you don’t notice that they are aging, then suddenly, it seems like you can’t keep your tires on the road!
How Are Your Wiper
Blades Holding Up?
Wiper blades are one of the most neglected components on vehicles today. Many blades are cracked, split, torn, brittle, worn or otherwise in obvious need of replacement. Others may look okay, but does a lousy job of wiping when put to the test. Ninety percent of all driving decisions are based on a clear unobstructed view of the road, which means good visibility is absolutely essential. All wiper blade materials fall victim to environmental factors. Exposure to sunlight and ozone causes the rubber to age, even if the wipers aren’t used much. Then when the wipers are needed, they streak and chatter because they’ve taken a set and won’t follow the curvature of the windshield. It can be very annoying as well as dangerous. Wiper blades should be replaced every six months to a year so you are always prepared when you need them.