Gene’s Car Tips

Engine Sludge Ain’t No Fun!

Sludge is a dark, dirty tar-like substance that mucks up your engine over time. It develops slowly as oil breaks down and collects around your car’s motor. Sludge slows the oil in your engine from lubricating all the moving parts that get your vehicle down the road. 

Back in the day, an attendant checked your oil every time you pulled up to a full-service gas station you called out: “fill ‘er up.”  Now your oil is only checked when you take it in for service

Owners’ manuals are stretching those service intervals out. Because of this, we are seeing more sludge buildup than we used to. Some vehicles are poorly designed and more sludge-y than others. When engine passages are smaller, oil bakes and reduces down to sticky sludge.

Are you thinking of purchasing a vehicle? We recommend typing “engine sludge” and the vehicle you are considering into your search engine to check if that vehicle is prone to sludge problems.

Build a Hedge Against Sludge

One of the most important hedges against sludge buildup is to have your oil and filter changed quarterly. We recommend that our clients get on a regular schedule. We love it when a car we have serviced makes it into the 200,000+ mile club!

Another way to reduce sludge is to do less stop-and-go driving. Going to the store a block away? Walk or take your bike! Short commutes are hard on your engine and contribute to buildup that makes your engine less efficient.

Sludge removers can also help, though some are better than others. Ask us to help you sort through the many options.

Professional help can be critical to performance. Cutting your own hair costs less, but it may require wearing a hat for a while. The same is true for your car except the cost could be expensive repair bills. Contact us online or call us at 253-854-6762 or set up your appointment today!

Does Your Car Have Trouble Getting Out of Bed in the Morning?

Do you ever have mornings when you’re sluggish and downright unhappy to start the day? We all have mornings like that, for sure. We can sip some coffee or promise ourselves to get more rest the next night. But your car is different. If it seems more ready to hit the snooze button than the road, you might want to have us take a look at it.

What Does the O2 sensor Do?

The engine control computer needs precise data about exhaust gasses to gauge fuel metering, delivery and timing. O2 sensors detect and offset changing levels of altitude, air temperature, engine temperature, barometric pressure, and engine load. One or more O2 sensors are mounted in the exhaust stream. Often one is placed near the exhaust manifold and another is farther down the system, beyond the catalytic converter.

Newer vehicles even have a heated element for the sensor to make up for when it’s cold outside!

After a while, O2 sensors tend to get mucked up with carbon and deposits of soot. Leaked silicone from lubricants or grease and oil from coolant can also leak into the exhaust system and cause trouble. When this happens, you get lower gas mileage, loss of power, black tailpipe smoke, rough idling, hesitation, stalling or poor starting. Unfortunately, if you don’t address these symptoms, you can damage the catalytic converter and other components. This might mean an expensive repair sooner, rather than later. 

Older sensors tended to last 30,00-50,00 miles, though newer ones can up to 100,000 miles before replacing them. Replacement is not a difficult job, though on some cars the sensor can be difficult to access and may require removing other parts. Occasionally, they have gone through so many heat-up/cool-down cycles that the threads seize, making removal more difficult.  

This is where you need a true professional! You can count on us for all of your automotive needs! We have been recognized four times in the last ten years by industry leader Motor Age as one of the top ten auto repair shops in the nation. In 2012, we were honored as the absolute best automotive repair shop in all of America!

Get out of Bed, Sleepyhead!

When you and your car are feeling sloth-like in the morning, have a cup of joe and call us at 253-854-6762 or set up your appointment online. Getting to bed earlier is on you. But we can make sure your car is ready to rise and shine every time you need it to!

Car Maintenance Tips Part 1

Car Talk

Belts – They Keep Us Moving

What causes failure in belts?  They do over 35 million revolutions a year, are exposed to heat, vibration and contamination.  They twist, and turn, bend and flex.  This produces heat that hardens the rubber that causes the belts to loosen and slip. The rubber then cracks and frays and the internal cords will become brittle and weak. This happens from the inside out so it isn’t visible. Car manufacturers recommend replacing belts every 36,000 miles.


What causes failure in hoses?  Tiny cracks develop in the rubber causing the hoses to split, blister and/or leak.  Contamination from oil and atmospheric ozone can accelerate the process.  Hoses deteriorate on the inside as much as the outside.  They can even look fine on the outside and be totally ruined on the inside.  Small cracks and pinhole leaks weaken hose fibers.  If you squeeze the hose near the clamps or connectors and the ends feel soft and mushy, the hose has been contaminated and needs replacing. Manufacturers recommend replacing hoses every 48,000 miles.

Anti-Aging For Your Car

We seem to be an “anti-aging” society.  Everywhere you look there is some commercial for an anti-aging herb or cream.  They all promise to keep us looking and feeling years younger. Many consumers are proving it is more than possible not only with themselves but their cars too!  They are keeping their cars going 200,000 miles and longer!  How?  By getting their vehicle’s serviced regularly.  Ask us how to keep your car’s youth!

Best Value or Just Cheap?

In today’s economy there are many businesses offering ‘cheap’ prices to get a consumer in the door.  To me, these businesses aren’t offering ‘value.’  Value is when you want to provide the best possible solution for your customers.  Now the best doesn’t necessarily mean the most expensive, but it doesn’t always mean the cheapest either.  For example, when you have to replace a part on your vehicle, you want it to be a part that has good quality and a good warranty and you want that part to last you more than a month or two.  We promise value each and every time!

Buyer Beware

By now most of us have had a strange telephone call telling us our “extended auto warranty” is about to expire.  If you are on a no call list at home, they may have reached you on your mobile phone. Some have been very puzzled because they knew they didn’t have an extended warranty.  Some though, assumed it was a call from their dealership, incorrectly as it turned out. Consumer Reports states that whether a service plan is offered by a broker, car dealer, or manufacturer, they recommend skipping it. These ads promoting extended auto warranty may sound good but if they don’t deliver consumers’ have wasted their money.  Don’t become a victim. If you really want an extended warranty plan, read the fine print, do your research and don’t be pressured by a fast-talking salesperson.

Does Your Ride Have A Mind Of Its Own?

We get calls from consumers complaining that their car seems to have a mind of its own.  It wants to bounce and rock and drift and sway.  We know exactly what the problem is when we hear these complaints.  It is either your vehicle’s shocks or struts.  Usually they wear out slowly and you don’t notice that they are aging, then suddenly, it seems like you can’t keep your tires on the road! 

How Are Your Wiper Blades Holding Up?

Wiper blades are one of the most neglected components on vehicles today. Many blades are cracked, split, torn, brittle, worn or otherwise in obvious need of replacement. Others may look okay, but does a lousy job of wiping when put to the test. Ninety percent of all driving decisions are based on a clear unobstructed view of the road, which means good visibility is absolutely essential.  All wiper blade materials fall victim to environmental factors. Exposure to sunlight and ozone causes the rubber to age, even if the wipers aren’t used much. Then when the wipers are needed, they streak and chatter because they’ve taken a set and won’t follow the curvature of the windshield. It can be very annoying as well as dangerous. Wiper blades should be replaced every six months to a year so you are always prepared when you need them.

Checkups – They Keep Us Healthy


Our calendars are filled with important “checkups”.  Just for our health alone we have:

  • Doctor and dentist every 6 months
  • Yearly blood test
  • Vision and hearing test every year
  • Don’t forget your pets’ trips to the vet!


Our homes require checkups, too!

  • Smoke alarm batteries need to be changed every 6 months,
  • Fire extinguishers also need a 6-month check!
  • Clean the gutters!
  • Service the furnace/air conditioner systems and don’t forget to have the chimney cleaned!


Our vehicles also require a complete semi and/or annual physical checkup.

Many drivers think all that they need to do to keep their car healthy is change the oil.  While that is vitally important, that isn’t all your vehicle needs.  Not only does your car need the fluids and tires checked, it also needs a health scan and an analysis of the “class 2 communication systems” on board your car.

We offer a comprehensive inspection that includes a check of the exterior lighting, mirrors, flashers, interior doors, locks, seat belts, tilt wheel, windows, clock, spare tire/jack, trunk latch, air conditioning and blower motor, heater, defroster, battery and cables, starter, charging system, washer/wipers, power windows, warning lights, horn, complete cooling system performance test, brakes/rotors/calipers/master cylinder/brake lines/fluids/parking brake and engine condition and filters, fluid leaks, exhaust system, mounts, emission systems, transmission condition, steering and suspension, power steering, ball joints, bushings and of course, the tires!

All of these components need to be in peak performance to keep you safe on the road.  A reliable vehicle gives you peace of mind and prevents inconvenient breakdowns!


Certified Auto Specialists: the friendlier and more helpful auto shop! Feel free to call 626-963-0814 with any questions and we will be glad to help.

Hometown Service You Can Count On!


Did You Know?

Car Talk

– A little over 20 years ago, just 5,000 pages of technical information were needed to repair vehicles.  Today’s repairs require more than 1,500,000 pages! Each year, some 125,000 new pages are required.

– A well-maintained vehicle can last well over 200,000 miles!

– Federal Law prohibits new car dealers from implying or denying warranty services because routine scheduled maintenance was performed at an independent repair facility. (Magnusen-Moss Act).  Your newly purchased or leased vehicle does not have to return to the dealership for routine service.

– If you lease a car, you might want to read this! Lessee shall use each vehicle only in the manner for which it was designed and intended, so as to subject it to normal wear and use.  Lessee shall not modify or make alterations to the design of any vehicle, repaint or place any lettering, advertisement, accessories or insignias without prior written approval of Lessor.  Lessee shall maintain each vehicle in good operating condition and working order, using as a guide the maintenance program described in the Owner’s Manual supplied by the manufacturer of such vehicle, and unless otherwise provided in the Order, Lessee shall perform all preventive maintenance required by the manufacturer (including, but not limited to, any service adjustments or inspections required by the manufacturer or Lessor) to insure full validation of the manufacturer’s warranty.  All repairs and maintenance must be performed by a duly authorized repair facility, using original manufacturer equipment or equivalent quality parts.  Failure to perform all required preventive maintenance, and provide such records to dealer upon request, may result in additional charges assessed against the Lessee upon the vehicle’s return.

We are here to keep your vehicle (owned or leased) in excellent condition! 

Certified Auto Specialists wants to be your GO-TO place! Feel free to call 626-963-0814 with any questions and we will be glad to help.

Hometown Service You Can Count On!

Do You Have An Emergency Kit In Your Car? 

Do You Have An Emergency Kit In Your Car?

Don’t Be Stuck On The Road – Be Prepared!

Here are some basics:

– Flashlight with extra batteries
– Gallon of Drinking Water
– Transmission Fluid
– Tire Inflator-Sealant
– Extra Belts
– A Few Basic Tools
– One Gallon Gas Can
– Paper & Pen
– Matches
– Dried Fruit, Nuts or Other Non-Perishable Snacks
– First Aid Kit
– Jumper Cables
– Quart of Oil
– Brake Fluid
– Fire Extinguisher
– Extra Light Bulbs and Fuses
– Electrical Tape
– Flares
– Paper Towels
– Blanket
– Cellular Phone

Certified Auto Specialists wants to be your GO-TO place! Feel free to call 626-963-0814 with any questions and we will be glad to help.

Hometown Service You Can Count On!


Exhausted by Your Search for A Quality Auto Repair Center?

Car Talk

Many people assume that their local auto auto repair shop is staffed by certified technicians. In the state of California, workers that handle food need a Food Handler’s Certification. The hair stylist that cuts your hair and the beautician that cuts your nails are all state certified. However, there is NO certification required to open an auto repair shop.

This fact shocks most drivers, yet there is no mandatory certification required to own or operate an auto repair shop in California. All auto repair shops must be registered with the Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR). A prospective owner can receive an automotive repair dealer’s license (ARD) by sending a completed application with business name, tax ID, and check for $200.00 to the BAR office. The person applying does not need any automotive experience at all! Furthermore, there is no proof of insurance or a set of standard equipment required.

All additional certifications, ongoing training, professional organizations, warranties on completed work, and specialized equipment is completely voluntary. Certified Automotive Specialists wants to offer you the best automotive repair, which is why we purposefully make all of the above part of our car repair shop. Although the state of California does not require any further requirements than a license for auto repair, our facility is a member of professional groups including ASCCA and iATN. We are an AAA Approved Auto Repair Facility – only 5% of auto repair shops in Southern California make the cut to be approved by AAA. We keep up-to-date on the latest equipment and procedures so our technicians can properly repair any vehicle. Our facility also voluntary participates in further licenses from BAR; we are a STAR Certified Smog Station, a Brake and Lamp Certified Station that can sign off on fix-it tickets, and a recognized Green Station.

Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) has become the industry standard and offers a series of 9 tests that a technician can take to become certified in different areas of car repair. Again, these tests are voluntary, not required. The tests are also written tests, and do not necessarily prove that someone has competence when working on a physical car. Certified Automotive Specialists requires all our technicians to be ASE certified, as many other shops do as well. We make sure our technicians are correctly trained and able to complete high-quality repairs. This is one area of the auto repair industry that we would like examined. Other professionals are required to have certification, ongoing training, and proper tools. Mechanics should have those requirements as well.

We do everything we can to offer our customers first-rate automotive repairs. Our hard work has earned us a A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. We understand the desire to save money, and some shops that aren’t certified may be cheaper. However, a low price now may cost more in repairs later. By trusting a knowledgeable certified technician to perform your repairs or service, you can save time and money in the long run. You can always ask a repair shop about their certifications and professional acknowledgments. If a shop’s estimated price lower than everyone else’s, there’s likely a reason. Get experienced, professional repairs by a certified auto technician at Certified Automotive Specialists. We offer a 3 year/36,000 mile warranty on all repairs because we stand by our technicians and our work. If you have any questions, call us at (626) 541-2149.

Offering Customers a Personal Touch

At Certified Automotive Specialists, we always aim to be more than some generic auto repair shop. We don’t want to be faceless entities going through the motions of getting the job done, and we don’t want our customers to ever feel like they’re just a number. That’s why one of our guiding principles is providing exemplary customer service. That service comes with a variety of personal touches so that our customers really feel like they’re part of the CAS family.

We’ve lived in Glendora as long as our shop has existed (we opened our doors in 1978) and we value being part of this community. If there’s anything we feel strongly about, it’s that local businesses operate as pillars of the community – a trusted place that locals can depend on. Our customers aren’t just people we work with. They’re our friends and family! Offering high-quality work is important to us, of course, but we find that it’s even more important to let our personality shine through so people feel at home when they’re here.

One of the way we like adding that personal touch is adding a little flair to the windows every season. In this YouTube video, you can see a time-lapse video of us creating a Thanksgiving window painting. We get to show off our sweet painting skills and personality! It’s so much fun to do projects like this that give us an opportunity to have a good time and do one more thing we enjoy. It makes the work day an absolute joy.

Our team is full of professional service technicians who know cars inside and out, but we’re also people with our own unique personalities and quirks. Being part of an independent business that’s been such a staple in Glendora over the years gives us the freedom to show off who we are! That personal touch is one of the things that keeps our customers coming back over and over again.

Do you like seeing some personality in the businesses you work with? Personally, we feel like it makes the place feel more welcoming. What do you think?