Gene’s Car Tips

What Is Scheduled Automotive Maintenance?

Scheduled Automotive Maintenance

Factory scheduled maintenance is a list of maintenance items that each vehicle manufacturer recommends at designated intervals. The intervals themselves and types of automotive maintenance can vary by make and model, so it’s always important to check your owner’s manual for specific details for your car. Typically, the intervals are at every 30,000 miles, 60,000 miles, 90,000 miles, or more. 

Keeping up with your scheduled maintenance not only keeps your vehicle running smoothly, but it also prevents expensive repairs and breakdowns. When you bring your car in for scheduled maintenance, it gives us the chance to spot minor issues that may be developing—before they can turn into a larger repair. Many drivers mistakenly believe they need to return to the dealership for their factory scheduled maintenance, but that’s not the case! We can perform any of your maintenance services and your warranty will still be valid.

If you want to keep your car, truck, or SUV running safely and efficiently, vehicle maintenance is critical. Our technicians are trained and certified to perform anything from oil changes and scheduled maintenance to performance upgrades and extensive repairs. If you have questions about the maintenance requirements for your vehicle, contact Certified Automotive Specialists and we’ll provide guidance on its various maintenance requirements.

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How We Keep Your Car Going Strong in the Summer Heat

By Gene Morrill
Maintenance is easy to schedule. Breakdowns are not.

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We know we can feel our energy ooze out of us in the summer heat and your car feels it too! Just imagine sitting there day after day on the hot pavement while the relentless summer sun shines down on you. Car’s components such as rubber are very sensitive to heat and tend to become brittle and crack. Here are just a few things we at Certified Automotive Specialists look for when we service your vehicle for summer:

• Batteries take a beating.  Between the car’s vibrations and heat, they usually only last five years.  It is always a good idea to have them tested and our technicians can help determine how much life they have left in them.

Cooling systems are very susceptible to summer heat.  You will notice more cars sitting on the side of the road with steam pouring out from under the hood during the summer months.  We always check your cooling system thoroughly to make sure the coolant isn’t contaminated.  We also check the rubber components for cracks and frays.  If they are past their prime, we will recommend replacing them so you don’t end up on the side of the road. 

• Tires need the proper inflation to function well. They don’t operate well if they are over-inflated or under-inflated.  They need to be just right!

• Fluids and filters need to be checked and replaced if needed.  They do a lot of work to protect our vehicles.

Air-conditioning systems are a must and need to be looked at so you and your passengers stay comfortable no matter how high the outside temperatures climb.  We make sure to check the refrigerant and other components.  

We are here to help your car face the challenges that come with hot days. Give us a call. You and your car will be glad you did! 

Certified Auto Specialists: the friendlier and more helpful auto shop! Feel free to call 626-963-0814 with any questions, and we will be glad to help, or visit our website at

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The Sound of Silence

Car Mufflers

The job of a muffler is to keep your vehicle quiet.  There is a lot involved for a piece of equipment that doesn’t look too intricate.  It silences the noise of your car in these ways:

  • Changes the pressure pulses
  • Dampens the pressure pulses
  • Absorbs the pressure pulses

The noise is measured in decibels and the muffler dissipates the level of sound.

There are two types of mufflers; direct-fit or universal.  A direct-fit muffler doesn’t require modifications.  A repair shop just has to line it up and bolt it on.  They are, however, not readily available for all vehicles.

A universal muffler is easy to find and usually requires some modifications.  This is done by lengthening or shortening pipes or even replacing them.  New hangers are a must to keep the new equipment from rattling. Thankfully, these modifications are not difficult or expensive; they just take more time.  If you are replacing a direct-fit muffler with a universal muffler, don’t expect it to muffle the noise as well as the direct-fit.  It will be acceptable, but different.  

It is hard to imagine the noise level if we didn’t have mufflers on our vehicles!  If yours needs replacing, just give us a call.  The sound of silence can be golden.

Certified Auto Specialists: the friendlier and more helpful auto shop! Feel free to call 626-963-0814 with any questions and we will be glad to help, or visit our website at

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car maintenance

At Certified Automotive Specialists, we emphasize that preventive maintenance is the key to longevity for your vehicle. One of the vital ingredients to give your car long life is the use of proper lubricants.  

I’m sure most drivers know that replacing a car’s engine or transmission is very costly.  We hope you never have to find out first-hand. To prevent that, the oil needs to be changed regularly as do other fluids. 

Oil lubricates all the moving parts of your vehicle while you are driving it. This keeps every part moving smoothly and prevents jamming which leads to part failures.  Oil that isn’t changed regularly gets dirty and the buildup of contaminates can also lead to the failure of parts. Clean oil is essential.

Your driving habits can affect how often the oil in your car needs to be changed.  If you aren’t sure how often your particular car’s oil needs to be replaced, we can help.  There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to oil changes.  

Certified Auto Specialists: the friendlier and more helpful auto shop!  Feel free to call 626-963-0814 with any questions and we will be glad to help.

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The Concern With Obsolete Oil

Oil Change

The use of obsolete oil is not something consumers think about when they get an oil change, even if they change their own oil. Lately though, this concern has been brought to our attention.  Modern cars are designed with much tighter internal engine clearances than in years past so using the correct oil is critical.

If your starburst symbol oil label does not specify GF-5 SN it is not suitable for most cars newer than 2011. The labeling on the oil contains “obvious and unambiguous language” regarding its intended and appropriate use. I am sad to report many shops don’t understand the consequences of incorrect oil labeling.

ALL cars have specific oil that needs to be used or damage will occur! This is why some cars’ engines have 200,000, 300,000 or even 400,000 miles on them while others only get half that many miles. The use of incorrect oil can also dramatically lower fuel mileage and cause damage to systems that result in the increased emissions of toxic substances and damage to emission control systems, including catalytic converters and oxygen sensors. 

If you have heard the term “sludge” and I hope your never do in relation to your own car, it is caused by two things; waiting too long to change the engine oil or using incorrect oil for that specific application. Be warned also that European cars have even stricter additive packages that if not adhered to, will really wreak havoc on the internal parts of the engine.

I recommend knowing what oil is recommended for your car and asking questions when you arrive at your trusted automotive shop. AAA shops have to adhere to higher standards and are held accountable for their actions.  Be an informed consumer, not one with a broken car.

Certified Auto Specialists: the friendlier and more helpful auto shop! Feel free to call 626-963-0814 with any questions, and we will be glad to help, or visit our website at

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Mechanical Failures That Can Cause Accidents

Mechanical Failures


Brake failure tops the list. Brake pads wear out, brake lines leak fluid and ABS systems can also be the cause of brake failure.


Bald tires can cause a car to “slip and slide” even on dry pavement. If there isn’t enough tread to hug the road you can be in serious trouble. Tire blowouts can also cause accidents.


If you can’t see, you can’t drive! It is that simple!


More accidents happen at night and if your headlights, taillights, or brake lights, turn signal blinkers aren’t working…people can’t see you. Don’t be a road hazard!


Loss of fluid, tie rods, ball joints and other components that make up this system can cause mechanical failure and accidents.

Roadside Assistance Calls

AAA and other services are called mostly for:

  • Dead battery
  • Flat tires
  • Cars that run out of fuel
  • Locking keys inside the vehicle

Now…we can’t keep you from locking your keys in your car, or make sure you get to the gas station on time, but we can sure help with the mechanical issues. Don’t let these things happen to you…contact us today!

Certified Auto Specialists: the friendlier and more helpful auto shop! Feel free to call 626-963-0814 with any questions and we will be glad to help, or visit our website at

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Your Teen Driver And Their Safety

Maintenance is easy to schedule. Breakdowns are not.

What should parents look for in a car for their teen driver? Here is what the experts say.

  • Teens dream of the fancy souped-up sports car but that certainly isn’t the safe choice for young, inexperienced drivers.
  • Teen drivers, between the ages of 16 to 19 are far more likely to have a crash than any other group.
  • Teens tend to underestimate dangerous situations and they don’t always react to them appropriately.
  • It is hard for a mature, experienced driver to always make the right snap judgment call when behind the wheel to avoid an accident. Everything happens way too fast. When you are brand new at driving it gets worse.

Before you pick a car based on price or looks, think about reliability and safety first; then choose the safest car you can afford to buy. Airbags, stability control, and excellent tires are a good start. Large to mid-size cars are safer than small cars because they are heavier.

When you narrow down your choice of vehicle, check out the safety ratings on

If you are buying a used car, please have it inspected carefully by your car care provider and let them know it is for a teen driver as they may be able to give you more insight into the safety of the vehicle. Check to make sure if the vehicle had any recalls and if they have been taken care of.

Certified Auto Specialists: the friendlier and more helpful auto shop! Feel free to call 626-963-0814 with any questions and we will be glad to help, or visit our website at

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Is It Hot Enough For You?

By Gene Morrill
Maintenance is easy to schedule. Breakdowns are not.

How many times do you hear that phrase in the course of the summer? We hear about the importance of taking care of ourselves during hot weather on the news and read about it in various publications. We are told to drink lots of water to keep hydrated, especially when exercising or doing physical labor.

Take a moment and think about your car…it gets hot too! We often take for granted just how hard it does work for us in all kinds of weather. When you see a car sitting on the side of the road with steam rising from the hood, that is an overheated vehicle!

Many things will cause a car to overheat… a hose, radiator, head gasket, thermostat, water pump or even the computer-controlled electric fans may not be functioning. With so many critical components that have to work together to keep the engine cool, we recommend an inspection every 3 to 4 months of these items.

I keep repeating this statement and here it is again, it is always less expensive to maintain your car versus waiting for it to break and then fixing it. Most newer cars have a warning system to alert you of a failure. Please don’t ignore these warnings. We have many customers who kept driving after a warning light came on and destroyed the engine.

If you think your car is overheating, get to the side of the road quickly and safely. Turn off your radio and air conditioner, then turn your heater on too high while keeping the engine idling. If no heat comes out, turn the car off as soon as possible, no heat means no coolant in the engine.

It is never wise to try to drive a car with a problem, unless safety is a concern. Most drivers have a roadside assistance program… if you don’t, ask us about our free assistance service with some purchases.

Certified Auto Specialists: the friendlier and more helpful auto shop! Feel free to call 626-963-0814 with any questions and we will be glad to help, or visit our website at

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